Engineering is the leading Italian software and services group, with 8.100 employees and more than 40 sites distributed in Italy, Belgium, Republic of Serbia, South America (Brazil and Argentina) and United States. It has a consolidated revenue portfolio in 2015 of about 878 million Euros.
Engineering has a consolidated presence on all vertical markets and operates through its 4 business units – Public Administration & Healthcare, Telco & Utilities, Industry & Services, Finance – supported by cross-business unit centres of competence and by the Research and Innovation Department which has the dual role of promoting research on software at an international level and transferring innovation to the production cycle of the business structures.
The Group invests about 30 million Euro/year in research, with about 250 researchers, more than 70 ongoing national and international research projects and 6 development laboratories.
The Group carries out IT innovation, combining the potential of a full, integrated offer of Business Integration, Infrastructural Outsourcing and Cloud services (provided by 5 Data Centers), Consulting and customized proprietary solutions.
Engineering is core partner of EIT Digital (Trento node of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology), co-founder of the Big Data Value cPPP, co-founder of the European initiative Future Internet PPP, partner of the Alliance for the Internet of Things (AIOTI PPP), board member of the European Organisation for Security EOS, and co-founder of the initiative NESSI (Networked European Software and Service Initiative).
The Information Technologies Institute (ITI) – formerly known as Informatics and Telematics Institute – is a research institute that was founded in 1998 as a non-profit organisation under the auspices of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of Greece, with its head office located in Thessaloniki, Greece. Since 10.3.2000 it is a founding member of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) also supervised by the GSRT. CERTH is the only research center in Northern Greece and one of the largest in the country. Its mission is to promote the triplet Research – Development – Innovation by conducting high quality scientific research and developing innovative products and services while building strong partnerships with industry (national and international) and strong collaborations with research centers and universities in Greece and abroad.
CERTH consists of five institutes (including ITI) and it has important scientific and technological achievements in many areas including: Energy, Environment, Industry, Mechatronics, Information & Communication, Transportation & Sustainable Mobility, Health, Agro-biotechnology, Smart farming, Safety & Security, as well as several cross-disciplinary scientific areas. It is essentially a self-supported research center, generating an average annual turnover of approximately €22 million coming from bilateral industrial research contracts (>30%), competitive research projects (>60%), and government institutional funding (<10%).
More than 600 people work at CERTH with the majority being scientists. The center has participated successfully in more than 1,000 competitive research projects (with a total budget exceeding €423 million and involving more than 1,100 international partner organizations) financed by the European Union (EU), leading industries from USA, Japan and Europe and the Greek Government. Four spin-off companies have been already launched through CERTH research activities. CERTH is listed among the Top-20 Research Centers of the EU with the highest participation in FP7 competitive research grants for the period 2007-2012 (16th place, up from 18th in 2011) while the center has received numerous other awards and distinctions (for a complete list please see the CERTH website,
CERTH has always been keen to offer the best possible working conditions to its researchers as a mean towards research excellence. Since 2003, CERTH has been appointed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) as the coordinator of the Greek EURAXESS Network, a European initiative aiming at offering personalized assistance to mobile researchers. In 2008, CERTH was among the first Greek research organizations to undersign and accept the principles of the Charter and Code for researchers while at the same time CERTH’s representatives were members of the Greek delegation at the Steering Group for Human Resources and Mobility (SG HRM). Its latest achievement in the field of human resources is the “HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH” logo awarded by the EC in April 2012 as a proof that CERTH is committed to offer the best possible working conditions, regardless the socioeconomic environment, and at the same time work towards the realization of the European Research Area.
Innovation Engineering S.r.l. is a private company located in Rome and Milan (Italy) focused on the design and development of advanced IT solution to search, access and manage relevant knowledge within Enterprises, with specific focus on Security, ICT and Transport domains. The company focuses on robust methodologies and IT solutions based on Java language and Open Source, to drive innovation through the search, manage and analyse of information that should be translated into valuable knowledge.
Innovation Engineering is focused on the development advanced Knowledge Search and Management solutions. The company is currently involved in R&D projects developing Ontologies to structure knowledge within the innovation process including usage if patents and scientific papers (project TECH IT EASY – funded by the EC contract 232410), and advanced search systems to support the search and retrieve of external knowledge following the Open innovation paradigm (project INSEARCH – FP7 contract 262491), of which Innovation Engineering is Coordinator.
The main competences rely in Knowledge Management Systems, Applications Development, Web Service and Back End Integration, Rich Internet Applications (RIA), and Mobile Development.
United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) is the central research organization of United Technologies Corporation (UTC, NYSE:UTX). UTC provides a broad range of high-technology products and services for the aerospace and commercial building industries. UTRC Ireland serves as UTC’s European research hub with a focus on research and development for the next generation of integrated energy and security systems. UTC is known in security markets through various product brands such as Chubb, Kidde, Lenel and Interlogix. UTC security products are used for managing enterprise-wide security in various segments and Lenel’s OnGuard is the premier building access control and video surveillance management system in use today.
The Municipal Police of Madrid is an armed civil institution, with hierarchical structure and organization, carrying out its competences in terms of security and coexistence. Madrid Municipal Police is organized in Inspections, Sub-inspections and Units of two types: territorial and specialized.
For a population of almost 3.5 million, Madrid Police counts with a workforce of 6500 police officers. Its 22 Districts Units are primarily responsible for monitoring public spaces, ensuring coexistence and avoiding normal committing criminal acts, exercise appropriate administrative tasks and work in regulating traffic and ensuring safety in the school environment. In addition, 18 Specialized Units with specific tasks such as public safety, road safety, judicial police, environment, gender and domestic violence are also part of Madrid Municipal Police.